Open daily, 10am – 5pm, Free

419 Great King Street Dunedin, New Zealand

Sword, Scabbard, D24.2364

Physical Description

Curved, single-edged steel blade, narrow at hilt, widest near tip. Narrows to point. Edge slightly damaged. Blade engraved with 'criss-cross' pattern near hilt. Oxidised brass hilt, bound entirely brown plaited sennit. Round, rough, black gum (?) pommel. Brown wooden scabbard, bound nine sennit bands, two further missing, hilt end. White cord attached, wound seven times, unknotted. Scabbard square-ended, flat.




Maximum dimensions (H x W x D): 765 x 79 x 52mm
Maximum dimensions (H x W x D) (a - Sword): 735 x 35 x 26mm
Maximum dimensions (H x W x D) (b - Scabbard): 545 x 79 x 52mm

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