Open daily, 10am – 5pm, Free

419 Great King Street Dunedin, New Zealand

Necklace, D43.969

Physical Description

Necklace made from a variety of beads and items. Includes :blue faceted beads, Quebec bank token (half penny 1852), ovoid white bead, circular piece of bone, tusk shells, piece of ivory carved into walrus, shell in cog shape, a claw bone, Upper Canada half penny token, ivory in the shape of a whale, small blue glass beads, ivory in form of walrus head, clear green beads, teeth, ivory in shape of small bead, 1766 coin, 1814 half penny, piece of ivory in form of seal, 1820 Northwest Company token, multi coloured glass bead, 1815 token "for publick accommodation"1810 coin.


From the: Sargood Collection


Maximum dimensions (H x W x D): 720 x 600 x 40mm

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