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419 Great King Street Dunedin, New Zealand

Porcupine, Porcupine, Quill, E57.51

Physical Description

Bundle of 16 porcupine quills of varying lengths and sizes. Bundle wrapped with light tan coloured dried plant material, and commercial brown cord. Quills are light colour at attachment end moving to white and then dark brown. Near other end quill again turns lighter, sometimes terminating in white, sometimes in dark brown. Quills are somewhat blunt pointed at attachment ends gradually increasing in diameter along their length and again decreasing in diameter to end in sharp points on other (outer) ends.

Research Notes

? West Africa

Ghana/Gold Coast: Original documentation in the green "Africa Collection File"by Sarah Brodie says, "Pres. F.F. A. Ulrich from the estate of his late brother G.A.C. Ulrich B.Sc., AOSM (3rd son of the late Prof Ulrich, one time curator of O.M.) 1898-1912 mining in Tasmania, Australia & NZ; 1913-14 Gold Coast; 1919-24 Asante goldfields; Gold Mining Co. Ltd.; 1927-28general prospecting in Nigeria, Illorin Provin& Mica (?) Died 1956, NZ " Porcupine quills

Bundle of 16 porcupine quills of varying lengths and sizes. Bundle wrapped with light tan coloured dried plant material, and commercial brown cord. Quills are light colour at attachment end moving to white and then dark brown. Near other end quill again turns lighter, sometimes terminating in white, sometimes in dark brown. Quills are somewhat blunt pointed at attachment ends gradually increasing in diameter along their length and again decreasing in diameter to end in sharp points on other (outer) ends.

Longest quill = approx. 264mm in length & approx. 7.9mm diameter at its thickest point (near centre of quill). Shortest quill = approx. 106mm in length & approx. 4.0mm in diameter at its thickest point (near centre of quill). —Joel A Vanderburg


Collected by: G Ulrich
?Locality, according to Joel Vanderburg:


Maximum dimensions (H x W x D): 275 x 33 x 33mm

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