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Teacup, Lid, Stand, D92.34

Physical Description

Tibetan tea cup made from green soap stone, plus metal base and lid (three parts). Smoothly finished undecorated round cup. The metal base is comprised of a cylinder which tapers inwards slightly from bottom to top. The top and bottom of this cylinder are rimmed by ornately decorated, gold-coloured strips of metal. The upper gold rim has flower designs. Directly below this rim, a petal-like structure fans out. Each petal (of which there are eight) has a design. The flute, either singly or in pairs, is an element of these designs. The ends of the petals curve upwards so as to form a saucer. The metal lid is tiered in appearance. There are two main tiers which step upwards from a wide, flat rim at the bottom. Each of the two tiers has four gold-coloured decorative areas. The upper tier has perforations through its decorated areas to let the steam out. The top of this lid rises to a bulb-shaped pinnacle which also has gold-coloured designs. A thin gold strip rings the outermost edge of the flat rim at the bottom of the lid.


Presented to William Dunning by Rimshi Dhoti, the administrator of Pharidzong, 1947.
Item was previously on loan to: Otago Museum


Maximum dimensions (H x W x D) (a - Teacup): 60 x 79 x 80mm
Maximum dimensions (H x W x D) (b - Lid): 58 x 101 x 104mm
Maximum dimensions (H x W x D) (c - Stand): 64 x 120 x 120mm
Maximum Height: 190mm

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