Open daily, 10am–5pm, Free

419 Great King Street Dunedin, New Zealand

Container, F2009.10

Physical Description

Cylindrical enamelled container. The lid constitutes the upper ca 6.5cm of the cylinder. Interior lid in plain metal with knob on top.
Black background and brown/gold decoration that extends to the lid as well as the main body. Decoration has two long legged birds shown near water's edge, one is leaning down.


Acquired by donor's mother Mrs Frances Barker-Eames


Maximum dimensions (H x W x D): 218 x 106 x 106mm
Maximum dimensions (H x W x D) (a - Container): 201 x 106 x 106mm
Maximum dimensions (H x W x D) (b - Lid): 66 x 106 x 106mm
Maximum dimensions (H x W x D) (c - Internal lid): 11 x 104 x 104mm

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