Open daily, 10am–5pm, Free

419 Great King Street Dunedin, New Zealand

Pot, F78.2

Physical Description

Earthenware terrace pot which flares outwards from the base. The pot is orange in colour with a design between its most bulbous portion and the upper lip. The first part of the design is in grey brown and is circular step ladder design. Under this is a 55mm wide band divided into opposing triangles. The upper ones have a red background, with a white semicircular strip, and three blue striped internal triangles to one side. The bottom triangle contain interlocking "wave" design - in blue and grey


Held in foyer
Purchased from Annual Exhibition by Otago Potters Group
Pchd from 1977 Otago Potters Group Annual Exhibition Nov 1977 $14. No. 179 in catalogue.


Maker: Betty Gill


Diameter: 136mm
Maximum dimensions (H x W x D): 123 x 170 x 170mm
Circumference: 540mm

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