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Much of the material available on this website is subject to copyright (all rights reserved). That copyright is either held by the Museum, or by a third party, which has given permission for the material to be reproduced on this website.
If sole copyright is held by the Otago Museum, the content might also be licensed using "© Otago Museum CC BY" to encourage reuse and sharing. Content released under this licence will be marked with:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. "© Otago Museum CC BY" and our other rights categories are explained in more detail on this page. If you have any questions regarding the use of images please contact: [email protected]
All rights reserved
This statement means that the work is subject to Copyright. It means that the work may not be copied, reproduced, communicated without the Copyright owner’s permission, except for purposes related to fair dealing, as defined by the New Zealand Copyright Act 1994.
Images of taoka Māori
Some images of taoka Māori (cultural treasures) are restricted for cultural reasons. Images of taoka are of significant cultural importance to iwi (tribes). The Museum provides images and associated information of taoka for research, study, personal and educational use only.
No known copyright restrictions
This statement means that to the best of our knowledge, the Museum is unaware of any Copyright restrictions on this work. This can be because the Copyright term for this work may have expired. This term predominately applies to reproductions of two-dimensional works, e.g.: paintings, photographs, posters, that are out of Copyright under the New Zealand Copyright Act 1994.
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This statement applies to works that are considered orphan works. This means the Museum has reproduced the work after a reasonable and documented effort to trace the copyright owner. Where the copyright in any material belongs to a third party reasonable effort has been taken to identify the copyright owner.
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© Otago Museum CC BY
This is a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0). It is used on images of objects in which there is no copyright in the object or where the Museum is the sole copyright owner.
This licence is also used on images of works in which copyright has expired. This licence allows reuse, sharing and commercial use for any purpose, provided that the Museum is attributed.
© Otago Museum CC BY NC
This is a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY NC 4.0). It is used on images of objects in which there is no copyright in the object or where the Museum is the sole copyright owner.
This licence is also used on images of works in which copyright has expired. This licence allows reuse, sharing and non-commercial use, provided that the Museum is attributed.